When’s the Last Time You Went out to Recess?


748 Summary: Dr. Silva offers an alternative to dreary sweaty workouts in a dismal gym environment for those who struggle with committment to exercise . . . going out to play. Click here for a

When Quitting Smoking Leads To Nicotine Gum Addiction


742 Summary: We don’t have to fully understand all the hazards that smoking cigarette brings just for us to realize that indeed we need to quit the habit. However, some people who have successfully quit

When Portion Control Takes Control Of You


558 Summary: Snack attacks are the major pitfalls of a healthy diet – but portion size runs a close second. A serving size is the amount of food a person would normally eat at a

When Passion For Fashion Is A Health Menace


642 Summary: The fashionable supesized bags can be a potential hazard to women’s health as an increasing number of “heavy handbag related injuries” prompted chiropractors to seriously consider issuing a medical warning on the use

When Parenthood Remains Elusive


919 Summary: Infertility is the inability of a man or woman to conceive a possible pregnancy after one year of well-timed and unprotected sexual intercourse. Doctors may offer a whole new language of medical terms

When Pain Relief Medications Cause More Headaches


628 Summary: Overusing pain relief medications can become a cycle. It can make headaches return as soon as the effect of the medication wears off. Once the pain returns, the tendency is to take more

When Medical Anxiety Goes Too Far


529 Summary: Hypochondria is a mental health condition that involves excessive anxiety concerning diseases and contracting such.The condition can be of varying intensities, with some believing that they have the symptoms of one problem or

When Letting Go Becomes Difficult


527 Summary: This article is about separation anxiety and how it is different from separation anxiety disorder. The former is a normal phase that children go through while growing up. The latter is a more