When Therapy Becomes Bothersome


832 Summary: Psychotherapy is a method of interpersonal and relational intervention used by psychotherapists in helping people deal with their problems in life. During the process, however, the client usually develops a special bond with

When The Young Becomes Restless


740 Summary: Leaving home involves not just freedom and independence but new responsibilities as well as a whole lot of stress and anxiety problems. Click here for a complete directory of pet friendly hotelsThis article

When The Task Demands Extreme Precision


602 Summary: Certain tasks in modern society require people to regularly achieve incredible levels of physical precision. For most people, even with the most intensive training, this is simply too difficult to achieve on a

When The Quest For The Best Body Turns Worst


759 Summary: Women living in a culture focused on dieting and weight loss are more prone to develop eating disorders which are detrimental in one’s health. Having an intense fear of gaining weight and a

When the Mind Causes Pain


358 Summary: Susan, a 40-year-old school teacher, was suffering from daily headaches, neck pains, shoulder pains, chronic feelings of tension and sleepless nights. Click here for a complete directory of pet friendly hotelsThis article deals

When The Joint Smokes You


561 Summary: Marijuana, like most other illegal substances, can cause a wide range of side effects in both long-term and short-term users. While the “high” is the most obvious, long-term use also has consequences for

When The Cure Becomes The Cause Of Illness


603 Summary: Over use of pain relievers can lead to a vicious cycle of medication dependency and may result to rebound episodes, making the cure becomes the cause of the illness. However, most patients show

When Sleep Becomes an Age-Old Problem


835 Summary: It has always been thought that sleep starts to deteriorate in late middle age and steadily erodes from then on. New findings, however, shows that sleep problems are not due to aging itself,

When Should Hearing Be Tested?


This article was originally written by ARA Content Click here for a complete directory of pet friendly hotels _14.shtml date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:10 category:health article: (ARA) – What? … I’m sorry I couldn’t hear you? … Could