Massage Information For Consumers


401 Summary: What should someone expect during a massage? – The massage therapist will ask questions about what prompted you to get a massage. – The massage therapist will want background information about your physical

Massage For Infants And Children


464 Summary: Massage benefits individuals of all age groups and different conditions. Touch is as important to any infants and kids like eating and sleeping. Massaging involves loving, gentle stroking or kneading by a parent

Massage For Hip Pain


This article was originally written by Karri Koivula Click here for a complete directory of pet friendly hotels _1316.shtml date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:11 category:health article: Sometimes hip pain is just muscular and caused by trigger point in

Massage Chairs


591 Summary: A massage chair is not an inexpensive investment. So before, you buy it; please research all your options in this regard. Massage chairs cater to the individualistic requirements of a person and no

Massage Business Cards with Muscle, Part 1


This article was originally written by Eric Brown Click here for a complete directory of pet friendly hotels _4214.shtml date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:12 category:health article: When you were starting your massage business, getting your massage therapy business

Masculine Skin Care For The Summer


673 Summary: You agree – you’d rather die than be caught by your buddies stepping into a spa or salon. Growing up with a crowd that defines skin care as soap and water, you are

Quitting the Stick Can Save Lives —Even Your Own


806 Summary: The article discusses the dangers of smoking and the specific diseases that are associated with prolonged use of tobacco. Aside from citing some of the common reasons given by people why they smoke,

Quitting Smoking with a New Lifestyle


417 Summary: One of the best and proven ways to quitting smoking is by making changes to a lifestyle that has been hindered by that dangerous and addictive habit. You must substitute your old lifestyle

Marvel the Wonders of Reflexology


578 Summary: It has been tried and tested that this ancient method has a lot of benefits to treat symptoms of illnesses. Research has found that not only is it beneficial as a tool for