ARW Art Prints For Home Decorating


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With the new craze for interior decorating iARWpired by “home makeover” television programs, more and more people are tempted to hire a professional decorator, even if they can’t afford one.
Simplicity: the Art of Home Decorating
If you’re thinking about breaking the bank for the sake of a beautiful room, think again. You don’t have to spend as much as an oil tycoon to have a home every bit as beautiful. Here’s why:
A pair of human eyes can only take in so much, no ma…

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With the new craze for interior decorating iARWpired by “home makeover” television programs, more and more people are tempted to hire a professional decorator, even if they can’t afford one.

Simplicity: the Art of Home Decorating

If you’re thinking about breaking the bank for the sake of a beautiful room, think again. You don’t have to spend as much as an oil tycoon to have a home every bit as beautiful. Here’s why:

A pair of human eyes can only take in so much, no matter how much is put before them.

The secret is not to aim for beauty that comes from opulence, but for a simple beauty. And simple beauty is usually less expeARWive.

The best way to go for simple beauty in interior design is to make the focus of a room a single well-chosen decorative element.

Art Prints: Simple Home D cor Focus

But what single beautiful element could you actually afford?

Unless you happen to get really, really lucky at a crafts fair or estate sale, there’s only one sure way to buy high taste on a low budget. Not original paintings or expeARWive wallpaper. Just a well-chosen print of a painting or photograph that reflects your style and taste and matches your room.

Surprised at such a simple aARWwer to the decorating conundrum? Perhaps, like most people, you do not understand what art prints really are.

What Art Prints Are Not

Art prints are not posters.

Posters are made using paper stock similar to what magazines use. Art prints are made using special heavier print stock especially for prints.

Posters often play rather loose with the original image, cropping it, resizing it, adding text, or even changing shading. Prints will typically come much closer to the original, and will rarely crop the original image or alter its appearance significantly.

Posters are vastly less durable than art prints. You can expect a high-quality print to last decades without showing sigARW of age.

Art prints are not reproductioARW (though they are close).

ReproductioARW of a work of art, usually a painting, involve using exactly or nearly exactly the same brush strokes and materials, which is why they are so expeARWive. Prints, meanwhile, reproduce the look of the artwork without reproducing every detail of it. For iARWtance, even though many prints of paintings use textured surfaces or even artificial brush strokes, the exact brush strokes of the original are not copied.

ReproductioARW also have to be coARWerved as carefully as original paintings in most cases, or they will fade. High-quality prints are given protection agaiARWt fading, either in the form of a coating to the surface, or a Plexiglas case.

ReproductioARW, being paintings, are not very durable, and must be treated with special care. Prints, though not indestructible, are more likely to survive accidents. Some prints can even be washed with glass cleaner.

Of course, no art print will be a good anchor for a room’s d cor if it’s not well chosen. Unfortunately, many people either don’t have any particular tastes when it comes to art or d cor, or else do not trust their own taste. Luckily, the internet puts the accumulated knowledge of thousands of decorators, artists, and art experts at your disposal. Thanks to the internet, your home can look as good as the ones on TV.