Ski Fitness


This article was originally written by Gavin Walsh

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Summer has long gone and it’s now time to turn your attention towards the annual ski trip.
This year do yourself a favor by not getting caught short on the slopes.
A good level of cardiovascular fitness will help on the slopes, especially with the lack of oxygen due to the altitude, however this is not enough if you want to wake up each morning without those aching legs.
Annual skiers often neglect key components such as leg strength, core strength and balance. Good leg strength is a must whilst holding the pressure against those high speed turns. You may already have strong legs…Don’t stop there. Strengthening your core muscles will keep your balance and stop you flapping your arms around like a crazed mad man!
Give yourself 6 weeks preparation with these fantastic strength building exercises.
lateral lunges
single leg squats – use smith machine bar if necessary
static/wall squats – lift one leg to increase difficultly
standing on top of the swiss ball (only for advanced)
Squats on top of swiss ball (only for advanced)
Swiss ball press ups (feet or shins on top of ball)
Swiss ball chest press
Cable Row whilst standing on Bosu (flat side for advanced)
squats standing on Bosu (flat side for advanced)
Not only will these exercises help you ski better, you will feel more energetic after a long day on the slopes and be ready to take on the night life.
For more information on Ski Fitness contact [email protected]