Seven Steps to Setting and Achieving Your Healthy Living Goals


This article was originally written by Jackie Stanley

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If you want to lose weight and live healthier, then before you grab for your jump rope or calorie counter, grab a pen and note pad and do some serious goal-planning. Begin by following these steps and by next year this time, you will be able to experience the thrill of achieving your goals…
Leave Nothing to Chance — Research has shown that writing down your goals makes them 95% more achievable. The more specific we are about what it is that we want, the more likely we are to do what is necessary to get it.
Examine Your Expectations — Make certain the goals you set are reasonable. While it would be nice to lose 20 pounds in 7 days, there is no safe way to make that happen. Unrealistic expectations will undermine our efforts to say on course.
Think Beyond the Scale — Consider setting goals that can be measured with something other than a bathroom scale. Examples might include lowering your blood pressure by 10 points or increasing the distance you can walk or jog.
Track Your Progress — Keep a written record of the strides you make in reaching your goals. This can soldier your resolve and reinforce your commitment. A sense of accomplishment can provide the fuel you need to continue moving forward.
Use Your Discretion About Going Public — Sometimes it is a good idea to share your goals with family and friends and sometimes it isn’t. Think about what feels right to you and trust your intuition to be your guide.
Celebrate Every Significant Event, Decisive Achievement and Memorable Moment — Rewarding yourself each time you reach a milestone in your charge toward your goals is a good way to stay motivated.
Edit and Revise as Needed — Life doesn’t always go according to plan. That’s why it may be necessary to occasionally change or modify your goals to accommodate your circumstances.